Sick With Baby

It’s been so long since I’ve been sick with a baby. And I now remember just what it feels like. It’s all coming back to me, whether I like it or not.

It’s bad enough to have a fever, aches, pains, and that nagging nausea feeling when you can flake in bed all day wrapped up in cozy comforters, aided by Tylenol, and entertained by Netflix. But, when you have a baby (read: small dictator with zero sympathy for your ailments) and/or bigger kids there is no flaking or curling up in bed. Diapers still need to be changed, kids picked up from school, and dinners made.

Sick Mom eCard

Basically, there are no sick days.

I’d take cranky kids, spilled food, explosive diapers, and cleaning up puke any day over just generally feeling like garbage while taking care of little ones.

But, that’s why babies are so cute, right?